Typesetting service of
»Kinder- und Hausmärchen (7. Ausgabe, 1857)«
using LaTeX

Copyright © Yoshi Nagata
Created: 04/17/2003
Updated: 2024-03-21 17:08:39 [JST: UTC+9]
Comment to:
Special thanks to Prof. Dr. Haruhiko Okumura
back to KHM 7. Ausgabe, 1857
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How to get a professionally formatted PDF file
- A LaTeX input file is prepared. The file name should be between 1.tex--99.tex (you don't have to type the number as it will be assigned automatically, but you can also change it manually).
- Input the number of the »Kinder- und Hausmärchen (7. Ausgabe, 1857)« which you want to get. The number can range from 001 to 200. (00 and 0 is also necessary when you input e.g. 006 and 089.) You might need _ck or _nolig_ck extra as a suffix to the text-database file name. See the relevant page of the Grimm_Database.
- Issue e.g. \input bg_klg_1857_03_ck.txt or \input bg_anh_1857_12_ck.txt instead of \input bg_khm_1857_053_ck.txt if you need the Kinderlegenden or the other Märchen in Anhang. The number ranges 01 to 10 for the former and 01 to 28 for the latter.
- Press run LaTeX! button.
- The Result will appear in another window. Please wait for a while and do not push run LaTeX! button again and again.
- Then, just click on the underlined *.pdf.
- You can edit the default setting as you like, of course.